The journey of putting together my puzzle pieces (please see Home to have a better understanding of my puzzle journey) has continued by adding a couple more to the puzzle. The following quote made me aware of some new pieces to be added to the bigger picture of the puzzle that is my life..

This quote speaks the truth. I have seen it happen in my life at least a couple of times!
- First: I was inspired by Bruce Lee movies as a teen and wanted to take some martial arts classes while growing up. My dad loved those movies, and we would go to the movie theater every time a new one came out. My father would always say he would sign me up for classes, but he never did. When I became a mom, I remembered what happened with my dad. So, I told myself that I would not let history repeat itself again.

Our family doctor recommended that my oldest son practice Tae Kwon Do to help him avoid fights in school, so I signed him up. The discipline would help him control his anger and focus his energy on something physical and healthy.

As my son started to train with a Tae Kwon Do group, my dream to do martial arts came back to me. I was thrilled when I was permitted to join the group after my youngest had signed up!
Wow! My dream to fight like Bruce Lee was finally coming to life. I made something invisible become visible thanks to my son. When my daughter signed up as well, it truly became a family thing: Mom and her 3 kids. Their father was never home anyway, and we didn’t need him to share a family event.
- Next up, my blog! In 2020, with the pandemic, I was home because I am high risk for Covid 19. All my life I’ve wanted to publish some of my writings, but I stopped myself with this nagging fear that nobody would want to read my stuff.

Then one day last year, my youngest son asked me to write a piece to get ideas for a project he was working on. He said to me, “Mom, you’re a good writer. You should be a blogger”.
I started to flip the idea around my head. There’s a certain freedom when you write your own blog. No waiting for an editor to decide to publish. You just do it. But I was unsure how to do it and my son was busy at his job to help me. (Besides, he lives in another state.)
A few weeks later, I saw an ad on Facebook from It’s a Lovely I really liked what they offered. I started with the free 5-day course to blogging.
With the free course, I could see myself become a blogger step by step. A blogger! I love it!
A Blog is a platform where I can write anything I please (within ethical norms). People have the choice to read it or not. Even better, I wouldn’t have to worry about an editor telling me if it’s good enough or not. At last, I would have a place where I can share my life experiences.
Writing has been a tool to see my life differently, to really see how the pieces of my puzzle come together. It has helped me discover new pieces of myself and look back to see how these pieces have influenced who I’ve become. It’s taken my life lessons, invisible to others, and made them visible, creating a legacy for me to leave behind.

I kept my dreams alive (martial arts and publish something) through the years. Then I read that it was important to have dreams considered as goals so one can take advantage of the right opportunities whenever they pop up.
Though it took years for me to get Tae Kwon Do classes, it was worth the wait. The 3 years we participated as a family was an unforgettable experience.
And as for the blog, I’m grateful that I saw the free course on It’s a Lovely I liked how it inspired confidence with the material offered in their free course. I was so excited, I signed up for the full paid course. My blog that had been in my mind became a reality—from being invisible to being visible to the world.
Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible to visible.
Tony Robbins
Tony Robbin’s quote has reminded me the importance of setting goals. Though I still struggle with goals, each day it is getting better. Sometimes fear gets in the way like it has in developing my blog to its fullest potential.
Now I can say:
If you dream it…
Set it as a goal.
Be ready to act!
When an opportunity pops,
Act on the spot!
I love how discovering new puzzle pieces of my Life keeps giving new insights about myself! What about you? Do you have pieces of moments you might want to share? Please do so below!
Thank you for sharing this incredible piece. I can totally relate. I have felt invisible for the longest time, and when the pandemic started, I decided to address it because it was starting to consume me. Blogging has helped me tremendously. I am happy that you can work through your feelings.
Hi! Thanks for reaching out! I am working on my timely response and actions to my goals!
I absolutely loved this! I can relate as well. It took me a while to even feel comfortable with starting a blog because even though it is writing about what you want, sometimes finding the courage is hard. You did an amazing job at this piece and I really think that it will be one that reaches people!
It’s been a year since I started the blog. I still can’t seem to reach out to monetize the system. I think I have a small fear that it will be rejected. I have peen paying Constant Contact for a year and have yet to place an opt-in button on my website. The commitment of having to put out email newsletters on a regular basis has me frozen! Thanks for reading and reminding me that courage is for everyday!
Wow. Your story is amazing. I am so glad you started your blog. It’s inspiring, and I’m sure it will help many people. Your son sounds like a wonderful person, and you did a great job raising him.
I appreciate your kind words! It has been a blessing working with my blog. I love the monthly 10k challenges I participate where I come into contact with fantastic people!
This is truly a wonderful post. One thing that I do with the goals that I write down is ask myself why I want to do something. If the ‘WHY’ isn’t strong enough it can affect whether the goal is accomplished. The power of the ‘WHY’ sets the foundation. A strong ‘WHY'(foundation) is needed or the dream can quickly fade. Just sharing this part in my puzzle. 🙂
I never thought about the WHY being so important before. Thank you for the feedback. It was an eye opener for me.
Great job bringing the invisible to the visible! Wow, we have a few things in common… The martial arts seed was planted in me as a kid- parents gave me a free trial and I loved it, but then they didn’t want to pay for it. lol. But planted a seed and I took karate in college. Let it go for grad school, but picked back up years later after my kid got interested! Yay! (Now I teach kids!) And obviously… writing. Great job and I look forward to continuing to follow your journey!
I’m glad you were able to dedicate so much time for the martial arts. I think I didn’t pursue it because I was already working with kids as a teacher. But I loved the way it bought together my kids and I. Thank you for your following!
This was really inspiring. And it’s relatable because I, too, have been working on turning my goals from invisible to invisible. It’s always scary at first, but so empowering once you take the leap. So glad you went for your dreams and you’re now sharing your story. I know that so many other people will be inspired!
Thank you for sharing! At this time I am still trying to turn old goals into reality (invisible-visible). It’s a process that some people can take a lifetime, like me!
Very true! If you set a goal or an intention, it will come to you. You’re not sure when or how it’s coming, but it will!
You said it!…If you set it. Not just think about it, but to actually set as a goal and be proactive in reaching that goal. Otherwise it stays in your dreams and never becomes a reality which is what has happened to me many times! I am still struggling sometimes. 🙂