The last few months have been a busy time trying to decide how to continue my journey of putting together pieces of my life. I decided to use the month of July 2022 to explore new places or places already visited.
Last Sunday July 17th 2022, Dio and I went to the ChristLife picnic to celebrate the end of a year’s sessions of the program. The place was at a family cottage of the Bayer Family by the edge of Conesus Lake in Livonia, NY.

We had never been down that area which is a rural section of Livingston County, NY. Lots of corn fields were seen while we made our way to the lake. The entrance was hidden among a maze of houses that hid the cottage we were to arrive at. The sky was overcast but a breeze blowing from the lake made it comfortable. Tom and Sharon Bayer gave us a warm welcome to their summer home.

After everyone arrived, we were invited to take a ride on a “party boat” that was docked at Tom Bayer’s house. It was the first time for Dio and me to ride on this type of boat on the Conesus Lake.

Captain Tom pulled out expertly and hit the throttle full speed ahead! The wind blew my bangs back and gave me a new look. Dio looked handsome sitting at the front of the boat. I was impressed with the idea of an ice cream boat that people would pull up next to and buy ice cream. I thought it was a joke… but then I saw it! People in their boats were buying from the ice cream boat.
We docked again at the Bayer’s home about 40 minutes later. Sharon, Tom’s wife, was waiting for us to tie the boat to the dock so we could walk off to their yard.

Captain Tom switched hats to become the Grill Master for our hamburgers and hot dogs. After a moment of prayer, we lined up in the kitchen to gather our food from the buffet and sat outside at the picnic tables. The food and small talk shared by everyone was terrific!
We all began to clean up the yard when storm clouds and lightning suddenly appeared seemingly out of nowhere. The strong wind blew over one of the tables and the tablecloth. Two of the men moved the table to the side of the house while someone grabbed the tablecloth. It was fortunate that the food and paper products had already been taken inside

I was busy taking pictures and feeling the stormy wind until it started raining and we all gathered in the house until things quieted down. Then some of us decided to hit the road home.
It was still cloudy and raining lightly while Dio and I made the 45 minute drive home. Both of us agreed that it was an amazing day! We thanked God for a wonderful day at the lake.

What a great memory piece to combine with my puzzle of Life! Together with the blog post about the Erie Canal (Please read: A Day at the Erie Canal in Pittsford, NY), the month of July 2022 has been a relaxing and refreshing breath of joyfulness! It felt like a breeze that soothes the soul. I thank God for letting us have these moments to appreciate nature and have new experiences to distract us from the stress of everyday living, namely: inflation, high food prices, gas etc.…
You can read about why I consider life to be a jigsaw puzzle symbolizing moments that fit together. (Please read: Why Read My Blog, About Me)
What new places have you discovered nearby that lets you have a new experience? Please share below! I would love to read about it!