It’s that time of the year, and even though my husband and I are empty nesters, the coming of the next season is exciting for me. I still have the teacher in me decorating our home for the season of Fall. I have already put some things to help me get my mind set for the coming changes that characterize the Fall season.

I go through the change for each season of the year. It helps me mark the passage of time. When I feel I am falling into a routine that depresses me, it’s already time to make a change for the next season.
Suddenly, I’m filled with new energy and hope! A Hope that new things will come forth to inspire new experiences that will fill my life with a sense of purpose.
Each season has its unique purpose in the journey of Life. I am grateful that God created these special moments during the year to share with our loved ones.
Spring brings new life while Summer continues with the maturing and ripening of flowers and fruits, and all the baby creatures that were born in the Spring keep growing into “young adults”.
Fall is a time of transition towards Winter where everything seems empty and dead. Then it starts all over again! If you really think about it, the seasons are catalysts of change that bring a new perspective to our lives each time they come around.
I think that’s why some people call it the circle of life – new life, maturity, transition, the end for a new existence.
These seasons are like puzzle pieces fitted together to complete a year of our lives. Each year I look forward to seeing what new pieces are going to be added to my life’s puzzle journey.
Do you like living the different seasons? Which season is your favorite? I would love to hear about it! Read more about my puzzle journey by reading (About Me, Why Read My Blog?, New Puzzle Pieces).