In many ways the Pandemic has made real this idea that we are all part of a divine, universal puzzle. It’s not often that we can see this so clearly. During this Pandemic, in different instances, we are all impacted one way or another.
It has provided a powerful lens for me to reflect on the puzzle pieces in my life and to discover a few more. Are the pieces good or bad? Some of both perhaps. I’m still figuring it out. I’m sure we will all figure it out in the coming years. At the end of the day, how we see the big picture and fit our pieces together makes all the difference. What were my new pieces you ask? Well, let’s start with the ones we might label as “bad”.

My life halted!
It froze spiritually, economically, physically.
I stopped working…
In March 2020 I stopped working. I was struggling with health issues and felt suffocating wearing a mask. So, I stayed home until August 2020. On my first day back, I panicked when I saw how everything had changed at my customer service job at the café section of the supermarket. Not everyone was wearing a mask, and I had to sanitize everything constantly. I would forget to change my gloves and touch my face. As the hours went on, I felt more and more anxious. I wanted to run out of there!
When I saw my schedule had escalated in hours from my normal allotment my anxiety level went into super, duper, panic mode. I was given the option of leaving and be re-hired whenever it was “safe again”. When I went to work that day, I didn’t think I was losing my job, but I did. I ended what was supposed to be my first day back at work filing for unemployment.
I stopped attending live Mass.
When Mass started to be live in church gain, it wasn’t the same with restrictions on singing to prevent the spread of Covid. We wore masks and that was okay until I opened my mouth to respond. Without the singing and the freedom to respond out loud, I felt something was missing.
I decided to stay home to watch the Mass online where I could sing my heart out, say my responses aloud, and receive spiritual Communion.
I stopped my weekly shopping for a while.
My husband would bring a few things home, but for the most part I was house bound.
I stopped traveling to Florida.
The year prior to Covid, I would travel to see my youngest son and his wife every three months. I miss them terribly.

I lost family and friends to Covid.
This was the most devasting part of the loss.
First, I lost family who was closely related. Two of them happen to be father and son. Then, I lost my 104-year-old friend from the same virus three days after she went into the hospital.
I had to move.
Because of lost income, I was forced to move to a lower rental apartment. As a result, I had to sacrifice my patio sanctuary, which was a real blow to my spirit.
You might ask, did anything positive come out f 2020? The answer is yes.
Several good things started to happen like events and situations that have become a positive influence in my life. Some of which I wrote about in The Journey Continues. I mention the enjoyment of Bible studies, writing courses, and a blog setup.
The one big thing I want to focus on in this blog post is the blessing technology has been for me during the Pandemic. The new future is upon us! With the help of the Internet, certain parts of my life could continue such as:
- Unemployment
- The Mass
- ChristLife Program
- Family
- Vaccine appointments
Welcome to the future and thank God for the Internet! How did these blessings show up in my life?
When I left my job, I was able to apply for unemployment online without having to go to any offices. Though I felt guilty for being a chicken, I was happy to stay home.
While I stopped going to church in person, I have not missed any Masses because I stream them live or watch the recorded version at a convenient moment. Lately, I even get to watch it live on my local TV channel.

In fact, more recently my husband can bring me Holy Communion every Sunday. He used to be a Eucharistic Minister back in Puerto Rico which is why he dares to take on the sacred responsibility. As a result, during this Lenten season Jesus has been visiting me! OMG! Again, I have been blessed! Every time I receive Holy Communion, my personal relationship with Jesus intensifies and touches my heart. He gives me strength to continue my life journey in his steps.

The new way of having gatherings through Zoom is a miracle. So much that the ChristLife Program was able to continue their weekly course meetings on Thursday evenings. It’s been great how we all connect to Zoom, watch the instructional video together, then break into small groups to discuss the material given. We also have praise and worship moments singing contemporary Christian songs to worship our Lord together as one people.

Facetime has connected me to my youngest son and his wife in Florida. During the year before the Pandemic, I was traveling every 3 months to see them, but I stopped because of the high risk of Covid.
Face time calls have helped me enjoy them without the risk of exposure. I still miss them though. It’s amazing how Internet cuts down distances within seconds.

I remember back in the day when a regular phone call was enough. But being able to see my son and wife while video calling is what helps alleviate some of the pain of not traveling.
My family has also used Facebook to pay homage to family members and friends who passed away due to the Covid virus.
Another advantage of modern-day technology is being assessed for eligibility for the Covid 19 vaccine and getting an appointment. I got the vaccine into my arm on March 9, 2021. And I’m happy to say that on March 30th, I got my second shot! Woohoo!
While I had some hesitation about the vaccine, my son living in Florida is going to be a father this coming August 2021. That means a trip to Florida is on the horizon in the near future to meet the new grandson. It’s been 12 years since the last grandchild was born. I want to really enjoy this one.

What a year! 2020!
By reflecting on the puzzle pieces added to my life in the last year, I must say that it has complicated my jigsaw puzzle. I think the pieces are starting to fall in place.
Will I finally be able to fit the puzzle pieces added on by the Pandemic?
Will 2021 add more surprise pieces to connect with my past-present-future?
Will I be able to reorganize my life back to pre-covid times? Or will the “new normal” stay in the picture? (Good questions to find answers for…). Who knows? Let’s wait and see!

Please share below your moments of the Pandemic Puzzle. We are all in this together!
I love this! Technology has truly been a blessing for me throughout this pandemic. I have been able to partake in events that I never thought I would get an opportunity to. I have been learning so much. I have been reflecting. I have been contemplating. Thank you for sharing your experience.
It has truly been an eye opener how technology has advanced so much that we can have different ways of doing things. Even the government has us doing transactions online! Of course it can never replace live encounters with others where we can interact without worrying about glitches in the system!
In every situation their is an opportunity. I think you’ve covered that very well here. You gave a much needed positive review of a challenging year. Thankfully we are on the mend.
Thank God that things are finally getting better. We’ll see how it goes this summer. Hopefully Covid will stay away!
You are a great writer. I had a hard time when I went back to work too. I did not feel safe, but unlike you, I had to stay in the office. The sad part is that now that it is almost over (I think), I lost my job last month. I would’ve been more comfortable working from home the whole time, but I wasn’t given a choice. I hope my puzzle pieces fall into place, and I’m praying yours do too. Praying for you and your family.
I am praying that God will put his hand on your puzzle pieces and move them until they click for a new and better way to deal with all the obstacles of Life. May things start looking up for you soon! May God grant you wisdom and strength to continue your journey to our heavenly home! Thank you for reading my post and sharing your pain. When pain is shared, the burden is lighter.